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Lipper Methodology: The currency for the calculation corresponds to the currency of the country for which the awards are calculated and relies on monthly data. Classification averages are calculated with all eligible share classes for each eligible classification. The calculation periods extend over 36, 60 and 120 months. The highest Lipper Leader® for Consistent Return (Effective Return) value within each eligible classification determines the fund classification winner over three, five or 10 years. For a detailed explanation, please review the Lipper Leader methodology document :
The Fund’s Research Team implement a unique proprietary methodology to evaluate the fund’s Sustainability level across three pillars: Asset Management, Strategy, and Portfolio. This methodology is aligned with the EU Regulation on sustainable finance.
*Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) 2019/2088. EU Act that requires asset managers to classify funds into categories, “Article 8” funds promote environmental and social characteristics, “Article 9” funds have sustainable investments as a measurable objective. In addition to not promoting environmental or social characteristics, "Article 6" funds have no sustainable objectives. For more information, please refer to